Our Dog Pack
We love our Labs. We have had a Labrador in our family since 2001. They are such a great all around family so laid back but full of personality. We love all dogs and know not all dogs or breeds are right for every family.
We are defiantly a dog family. And after years of looking and owning many different breeds of all sizes. We also have come to love Frenchie's a small breed that surprisingly stole our hearts. They can be so loving and sweet yet have an attitude at the same time.
NOTE: Some of the dogs pictured on our sight are ones we have recued and found homes for but we have loved all of them.
Our Dogs

Miss Molly Moo is a very laid back yellow lab that is average in size, 60 lbs and was born in 2013. She will play with the others for a while, but then will lie down and relax. She absolutely loves attention. In fact, she has been known to push the others out of the way if you are petting them just so she’s not left out of a good ear scratch. She has been a wonderful mother. Molly is retired as of June 2021.
This is Rosie our cream Frenchie. She loves to snuggle and nap on the couch cushions. She is such a character and defiantly a deva. She very alert of what's going on and things she should be the center of attention.

This is Baby Nugget as we call him. He is such a mama's boy. Where mama goes there is nugget. He will nap at her feet if he cannot nap on her lap. LOL
Say Hello to Max our mini goldendoodle! Or Me Too Max as he has been so appropriately nicknamed. Max won't be left out and thinks he should be a part of everything. He is so loving and just makes you feel loved. He is such a ham.
Unfortunately, due to poor Max not liking to travel we are offering him up to a good home. Contact us for price and more details.